Saturday, February 12, 2011


Where talent and world needs converge; this is the equation to find your purpose.
Ask yourself what is your purpose and how will you best serve the world through it?
If your chief aim is to make money, make money but is money the answer? How does making the money feel? Is money what you want or is it happiness? Is it feeling good each and every moment?

Truth is, having enough money can lead to financial freedom but what other freedom's do you seek?
For today, challenge yourself to feel good now despite what circumstances you may be facing.

This may require you to dig deep to find that spot in your soul where you connect with your inner peace to find solitude in a time where your soul is not at rest. I say to you, you are at rest. For in your soul lives the spirit of peace.

Tap in. Take a walk. Smell the roses. Look in the mirror and tell yourself all the things you are grateful for. Say hi to stranger. Read a book. Listen to your favorite CD. Pet a dog. Better yet, take your dog or borrow a dog for a walk.That solid dose of vitamin C and the natural movement of walking will be sure to lift your spirits. Whatever form puts a smile on your face and encourages you today. Do it. Activate.

From there, dream. Allow yourself to know, once again, what it feels like to dream. Write these dreams down. Post photos that remind you of your dreams around your house, in your car and at your desk. When you are in the flow of life, living your purpose, you will achieve your dreams!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Like Minded Success Driven People

What do you call a group or club that gets together four times a year at various geographical locations around the globe that has teleconferences weekly and masterminds around the concept of success building, residual income, be, doing and having all you desire, the law of attraction, maintaining healthy bodies and relationship building while practicing the knowledge of secret societies passed on by the prosperous people of the world ... the Global Information Network!

I am a member and the teaching and training of this organization will blow your mind. With the Global Information Network you will find a group of like minded people from 110 countries coming together for the soul purpose of creating the life they dream about.

Take a look at the short video clip and see for yourself what this group has to offer and join now using my affiliate code: franceyfsm.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Social Networking

Worth it?

You decide.

Reconnecting with grade school, high school and college chums. Neighbors from various towns in which I have lived have found me or I them. Relatives, I didn't even know I had, in other countries linked. I have networked for business and shared best practices. I have created causes and events in which people attended or contributed to. My daughter and I reunited after nine months of estrangement via Facebook. I uncovered a not so comfortable truth that set me straight on a matter I had concern about. It took a bit of detective prodding, but it proved productive.

I have built business revenue for companies, given presentations and lessons to Presidents, CEO's and Board Members on how to use these tools and have shared my findings in a manual I have written. I have created a way to "young-up" or "genY-ify" industries utilizing these tools.

Little snippets of meaningful posts maybe silly at times, like someone stating what they had for breakfast. Tell me, "Why do I need to know that" ... because it is a way to personalize life. To get in the game. To stay connected to the simple things that make us smile or help us move through the day. To understand the core of what is inside fellow man and what drives them. These posts are changing the face of how we do business and connect 'multiple times' daily. Make it fast, succinct and quick to capture the reader and serve as a way to make contact.

Somewhat like working a room at a networking event and yet you don't have to leave your office or home to do it. Sure nothing makes up for real, human, face to face, read the body language contact but ... in this fast world, why not step into the flow. Think about it. In the world of networking, to 'work a room' you are only supposed to chit chat with an individual for three minutes, if you play the game right, then you should move on. This is Networking 101. Well why not Social Networking?

Before we discount the effects of new media and social networking, consider this:

I have used the tools as an informal research devise asking others in my network, their opinions on issues, for projects I am involved with both professionally and personally to capture data and expand my thinking. I have read posts that have educated me, enlightened, encouraged and uplifted which have caused tears and laughter and have been able to do the same for others. I have actually drawn a salary for understanding the use of these platforms and how to turn posts to dollars to launch new products, services or re-brand declining industries.

For this, I applaud and cheer the developers of such tools as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and beyond. You have changed our lives for the better!

To think some of these platforms were created in garages or to pass the time of day for one post college student mourning the loss of a romantic relationship. Amazing what can come from a little boredom, grief or an innovative idea.

What idea do you have that you have held off on that could be the next wave which impacts others and makes a difference?

If you can imagine it. You can do it.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Funny, for two and a half years, I have been growing my hair long for the purpose, not to re-capture my youth, but to donate it to the 'Locks of Love Organization' in honor of my best friend Patti Lang who died Feb.'07 of a malignant brain tumor. I learned, while walking the path with her, that one of the devastating effects of the disease is hair loss and how it plays on one's psyche.

Well, Saturday was the big chop. I had reached the designated excess of the required "12 inches" and still had enough hair to cover my head. In good "Facebook" fashion, I posted the journey through visuals ... nothing better than photo's.

What I received were very unexpected accolades. "You are an amazing woman both inside and out", "Keep up the good work", type of comments. It caught me completely off guard. I wanted to shout, "Come on people, it is only "hair"! The photographic journal was to encourage others in some way to give in their own way.

I ascribe to the belief, "To much is given, much is required." I have always had a ton of hair and to people loosing their hair, growing it out was no big deal. Well, it kinda was. I did double time on hair wash days; shedding, shampooing, brushing, drying, flat ironing. It was definitely an arm work out. On the "wild hair" days, where I left it to dry naturally, I looked like I had stepped out of the jungle. Waves of raw curls streaming down my back and it was starting to get hot and sweaty in the heat. A pony tail holder was never too far out of reach to get some relief. It was a pain in the neck and wanted to take the scissors to the mop myself, at times as it wasn't always easy to tame.

Truth is, it really was no big deal. Can't say I like my new hair cut ... has a bit too many layers for my taste and I am going to have to wrestle with learning to style the new doo. When I took myself to the beach today, I no longer felt those cool locks drifting down my back or the hair blowing in the wind in those light jogs. I did feel, to some degree, younger with the long hair. As I gazed at the teens, they all had long straight hair. So did I. Did that make me a teen? Nope but it did make me a woman who remembered one terrific friend. The kind that was always there for me. You know, the "Hallmark" card kind of friendship.

Yes, that is what I had. There was raw truth between us. Laughter, memories and years. She fully accepted me and I her. The good, bad and ugly. She lite up the room, loosened me up and loved. When I get stressed, she was the one to "right me". She was there through many a trial I faced in difficult times and vice versa.

Running down the streets of Venice on New Year's Eve, back to the hotel to get the kids to see the fireworks in St. Mark's square ... I will never forget that night. Those small, narrow streets where two American women were running the opposite way against the crowd, me ahead of her and she saying, "Franny, I am going to have to start jogging, I can't keep up with you" and me yelling back, "Come on Patty Girl, we have to keep going, the kids are going to miss the fun". That trip was cancer in remission.

I nearly did not take the trip, because finances prevented me, but I decided in the end, to put it on a credit card and move forward. It took nine months to pay off but the debt is gone and the memories remain. I could expend countless characters writing the meaning of the friendship but in this world of succinct script on the pages of micro-blogging "Twitter", most are lost in the written word.

So, rather than expounding on the many angles this story could take, I end with this: In light of a friend, loved and lost, there is nothing heroic about growing hair out and cutting it. The true hero's are those that wrestle with the obstacles they face in life with grace and dignity, no matter what the outcome.

Patti was one such lady that walked everyone she knew through challenges and her own with grace. She would wake singing, "I feel good" ... which she sang nearly breathless towards the end of her life with hand motions to go with it. At times, when I am faced with the not so great things that cause tears to stream, I sing the song softly to myself.

Growing out and cutting my hair was nothing extraordinary. Sure, I appreciate the kind words, more than anyone understands, but the truth is, the act garnered more of the sense of "I feel good" for remembering Patty, doing something that would help someone, get through their grief with grace, through one very simple act.

What simple action can you take, not for compliments but for dipping into your treasures, your excess, in whatever form that is, to help someone else wake up singing, "I feel good"?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Shed More Than Pounds!

It is wise to shed those things in our lives that do not serve us, that illicit pain emanating from our core. First we have to stop long enough to recognize and identify what these things are that steal our joy ... then take the step in strength to execute. To cast off.

By removing these things, step by step, (which is how you climb a mountain or eat an elephant; opps, that would be bite by bite), that cause pain our lives which force us ultimately to live in lies; we will find truth and the peace we seek.

Energy doesn't lie and we don't fool anyone by masking these negative strong holds. More than likely, we take these "things" and use them as weapons against the people we love.

Hold on to the Father's hand as you walk your journey. He says ... "For i know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to give you hope and a future!

Call upon Him and go and pray to Him and He will listen to you ... He says this in his word, in my favorite passage and life verse from the bible ... Jeremiah 23:11-12.

It may be bikini time and you are thinking of the pounds you wish to remove from your body to be beach worthy, but the truth is, the best thing you might want to shed are the not pounds but pressures weighing against your heart that drag you down.

When you run a race, the extra pounds will pull at your body and slow you down, but think of the baggage you carry, when you are not true to self.

Step by step, bite by bite ... one at a time, identity and remove those things clutching your soul and shed the core of what does not serve you and your highest good! Imagine who you will become!

Friday, June 5, 2009

What Happens that We are Not Open To See

When I was a little girl, I believed when I left the room the stuffed animals, I so meticulously lined up on my pillow, after I made the bed would come to life. I imagined them dancing around and having a blast and then when a human walked in the room, they froze. I know, I know. A bit weird and I even forgot about this until I recently went to see the movie, "A Night at the Museum" with a girlfriend of mine.

I can't help but wonder ... what goes on behind the scenes when we are not looking at life? Is there something our eyes are closed off to that we can not see? What are we avoiding or not fully looking at? Are we blind because we are too afraid to notice, look or if we did, it would force us to change? Are we too busy to focus?

Ask yourself what you might be missing today. What life are we not imagining because we just can't believe it. Is life dancing around you but you have not stood up and taken notice?

Open your eyes today. Imagine. Believe. Let go and see what you might be missing.


Thursday, May 21, 2009


We always have choices. And once we choose, we leave something behind.
As long as the quality of your life is good and you have a good attitude about it,
that is what matters.

Life is short and it isn't possible to always do the right thing, or do all the things you want to do. So we have to choose. What decision serves you for the higher good or for the benefit of the big picture and the people you love the most? That is the question to ask before you choose.