Worth it?
You decide.
Reconnecting with grade school, high school and college chums. Neighbors from various towns in which I have lived have found me or I them. Relatives, I didn't even know I had, in other countries linked. I have networked for business and shared best practices. I have created causes and events in which people attended or contributed to. My daughter and I reunited after nine months of estrangement via Facebook. I uncovered a not so comfortable truth that set me straight on a matter I had concern about. It took a bit of detective prodding, but it proved productive.
I have built business revenue for companies, given presentations and lessons to Presidents, CEO's and Board Members on how to use these tools and have shared my findings in a manual I have written. I have created a way to "young-up" or "genY-ify" industries utilizing these tools.
Little snippets of meaningful posts maybe silly at times, like someone stating what they had for breakfast. Tell me, "Why do I need to know that" ... because it is a way to personalize life. To get in the game. To stay connected to the simple things that make us smile or help us move through the day. To understand the core of what is inside fellow man and what drives them. These posts are changing the face of how we do business and connect 'multiple times' daily. Make it fast, succinct and quick to capture the reader and serve as a way to make contact.
Somewhat like working a room at a networking event and yet you don't have to leave your office or home to do it. Sure nothing makes up for real, human, face to face, read the body language contact but ... in this fast world, why not step into the flow. Think about it. In the world of networking, to 'work a room' you are only supposed to chit chat with an individual for three minutes, if you play the game right, then you should move on. This is Networking 101. Well why not Social Networking?
Before we discount the effects of new media and social networking, consider this:
I have used the tools as an informal research devise asking others in my network, their opinions on issues, for projects I am involved with both professionally and personally to capture data and expand my thinking. I have read posts that have educated me, enlightened, encouraged and uplifted which have caused tears and laughter and have been able to do the same for others. I have actually drawn a salary for understanding the use of these platforms and how to turn posts to dollars to launch new products, services or re-brand declining industries.
For this, I applaud and cheer the developers of such tools as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and beyond. You have changed our lives for the better!
To think some of these platforms were created in garages or to pass the time of day for one post college student mourning the loss of a romantic relationship. Amazing what can come from a little boredom, grief or an innovative idea.
What idea do you have that you have held off on that could be the next wave which impacts others and makes a difference?
If you can imagine it. You can do it.
Either way - Social Networks are here to stay (at least for now)