Saturday, February 12, 2011


Where talent and world needs converge; this is the equation to find your purpose.
Ask yourself what is your purpose and how will you best serve the world through it?
If your chief aim is to make money, make money but is money the answer? How does making the money feel? Is money what you want or is it happiness? Is it feeling good each and every moment?

Truth is, having enough money can lead to financial freedom but what other freedom's do you seek?
For today, challenge yourself to feel good now despite what circumstances you may be facing.

This may require you to dig deep to find that spot in your soul where you connect with your inner peace to find solitude in a time where your soul is not at rest. I say to you, you are at rest. For in your soul lives the spirit of peace.

Tap in. Take a walk. Smell the roses. Look in the mirror and tell yourself all the things you are grateful for. Say hi to stranger. Read a book. Listen to your favorite CD. Pet a dog. Better yet, take your dog or borrow a dog for a walk.That solid dose of vitamin C and the natural movement of walking will be sure to lift your spirits. Whatever form puts a smile on your face and encourages you today. Do it. Activate.

From there, dream. Allow yourself to know, once again, what it feels like to dream. Write these dreams down. Post photos that remind you of your dreams around your house, in your car and at your desk. When you are in the flow of life, living your purpose, you will achieve your dreams!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Like Minded Success Driven People

What do you call a group or club that gets together four times a year at various geographical locations around the globe that has teleconferences weekly and masterminds around the concept of success building, residual income, be, doing and having all you desire, the law of attraction, maintaining healthy bodies and relationship building while practicing the knowledge of secret societies passed on by the prosperous people of the world ... the Global Information Network!

I am a member and the teaching and training of this organization will blow your mind. With the Global Information Network you will find a group of like minded people from 110 countries coming together for the soul purpose of creating the life they dream about.

Take a look at the short video clip and see for yourself what this group has to offer and join now using my affiliate code: franceyfsm.