Wednesday, April 1, 2009

First, "Mix, Mingle and Martinis" Met With Success

The first "Mix, Mingle and Martinis was a hit.
About 20 women came together to network, share best business practices, promote their business and build relationships. A few of the comments are written below:

Meg Hall of Meg Catering said, "To gather with a group of enthusiastic business women once a month is truly energizing. I found connection with each woman I met. Now that's rare!"

An interior design rep, Shauna Mauro commented, "Women supporting women in business is such a great and natural idea. There are so many female friends I want to bring next time."

Real Estate Professional, Abby Waddell thought, "It was a great opportunity to meet at the end of the day and network in an informal environment with a good drink."

Tracy Newell, of Meeting Wise - Meeting Planner stated, "Upper Manhattan provides a great atmosphere for casual networking and business building and is a comfortable environment for women plus Happy Hour is affordable for all. I'd love to attend a monthly networking event here".

Patty Kamson, renown astrologer said, "Women in Business was GREAT. Meeting and networking in these challenging times with like-minded women is a necessity. Thank you!

So, if this small effort can work in my part of the world, it can work in yours. Be the change you want to be said Gandhi. Consider selecting a venue, inviting friends and gather for a couple of hours to do the same. You will be surprised: The person you edify, encourage and uplift just might be YOU!


  1. I forgot to mention, Congratulations Sammy J for winning the $ 25.00 gift certificate from Upper Manhattan Restaurant and Lounge. You can thank the gentleman behind our group who picked your name out of the bowl!

  2. This event may be live and in person but the blog serves as an "E-Leads" group. How fun is this!
